Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Purpose Of Religious Mexican Candles

The German-Canarias en Berlín Canary Society recommends the following event ...

Monday, 04.01.2009, 14:30 clock, Wenckebach Hospital, Berlin

Wenckebachstr. 23, Block B, ground floor, Room 021 12099 Berlin

U6 Kaiserin-Augusta-Straße

"A musical journey through Europe with June
Telletxea, soprano, and Maria Busque, harpsichord

For more details see Image and

Admission free

(Canarias en Berlin is not the organizer of this concert)

Saturday, 16.01.2010, from 18:00 clock,

EDEN *****, width
Straße 43 13187 Berlin-Pankow

S + U Pankow, Pankow Tram M1/50 Church

Admission: 5,00 €. It will ask you to register (guest list) at:

New Year get-together with "" and a concert with Maria Busque
, harpsichord: Works by Bach, Couperin, Scarlatti

(Canarias en Berlin is not the organizer of this concert)