Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Trade Pokemon Online Vba

New titles

I am again impressed, of our new covers. The
already announced "evil stories 26" appeared degree - they are still warm. And I have to pack about 700 pieces of first shipment to our dealers strained his back properly. But after the hot tub yesterday, I feel at least not as a cripple, but may again walk normally.

And the next edition of the "headlines" - Vol 110 - I can still remember the anniversary party for the 100th edition - is strong in the works. They will appear mid-month and thus once again just in time ". Yes, times are long gone when we look around us once and for days or even weeks late. This too is Profrssionalisierung.

and otherwise so much of the summer the word: At least the sun is shining outside.

Oh yes, before I forget: It was the end of our final performance on the Boundcon in Munich.

The fair was As always, great!



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