canaria berlin @ 2009-02-13T20: 02:00
As part of the IX. Canary Kultturtage 2009 Berlin:
art exhibition "Impulse" from 03/20/2009 to 04/18/2009
four young artists from Canary:
Carlos Alemany
Meritxell Barroso
Roberto Miranda Rubén
Sá nchez
The New Gallery in the 4th floor at the Kunsthaus Tacheles will show works of four Canarian artists who currently live and work in Berlin.
your varied work give us an idea of the current Artistic development in the islands: new objectivity, pop art, biomorphism in the colors of art nouveau ... A canary imagination, which is reinterpreted by the artists, universally understood.
daily from 11.00 to 21.00 clock
-admission free-
Location: New Gallery
4th. Floor
Kunsthaus Tacheles
Oranienburgerstrasse 54-56a 10117 Berlin
The Canary artists and selected works
(Further under
Carlos Alemany
Landtrait #29 Landtrait #28
Meritxell Barroso
Dream World ; Fish
Roberto Miranda
Portrait of couples from the TV ;
Nr 4 from the TV
Rubén Sánchez
Khartoum ; ; Love in the Afternoon