to this year's General Assembly members
"Canarias en Berlín" with a lot of strength, vigor and enthusiasm at work
on 29.04.2008, the German-led Canary Society
"Canarias en Berlín "its annual general meeting. In
the applause of the members present summarized the President, Cristina Guerra
-Díaz, "added the newly elected Executive Board on 13/02/2007
it with the greatest Use, enthusiasm, dedication, and the organization of many interesting events
understood to make the
Canarian culture in Berlin-known, attractive and worth visiting
. We note with much approval. We particularly
the Canary Islands Government, and here the Viceconsejería Emigración de Cooperación y
, for the continued support of our helpful and thank
work here in Berlin. "
After 8 Culture days are more Canarian cultural events in Berlin
The General Assembly voted to complete the votes
Accountability Report to. Similarly, the financial report to the Treasurer
, Eva-Maria Flórez was noted with approval.
The activities already completed for 2008, especially the now successfully completed
Canary Cultural Days, and other projects of the 2nd
Half of 2008 were adopted unanimously:
Día de Canarias, Fiesta de Verano Canario (Canarian summer festival),
"Travel Photos" (photo exhibition), Día de Hispanidad, Cortos Canarios
(Canary short film night) and Fiesta de Navidad (Christmas
of "Canarias en Berlín). The members of "Canarias en Berlín"
receive the minutes of the Event by mail.
already planned new for 2009!
his main goals of "Canarias en Berlín" in 2009: Stronger
activation of members of staff to the agreed
projects, development of new types of events (like the
continues the line "creative members are exhibiting") acquisition of new
members from Berlin and the surrounding areas, but also from other provinces
, intensification of direct contacts with the culture
Canary Islands with the participation of members (cultural tourism, participation in
Canarian culture highlights of the year on site).
development of the Partnership idea of cooperation and cooperation with foreign
cultural organizations of the Atlantic and Latin American
space in Berlin, attracting new sponsors and cultural partners
in Berlin.
At the meeting the following members were elected to the board:
Javier Krawietz Rodríguez (program / culture)
Margarita Ripol (audit)
Manuel Gómez Ruiz Other (program / culture)
photos of the General Assembly 2008 Gallery